About Us
Welcome to APA Colorado We're happy to have you!
Welcome to the Colorado Chapter of the American Planning Association website!
The Colorado Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA Colorado) is a non-profit organization of professionals and citizen planners providing vision and leadership for the future development of Colorado communities. We are the state affiliate of the American Planning Association and have over 1,500 APA members Statewide. In Colorado, as well as nationally, we have a membership that is diverse in expertise and focus. APA Colorado members work both in the public and private sector; for Federal, state, and local government; for firms both large and small; in long-range planning and development review; in master planning, as well as site planning; in transportation planning, land use planning, environmental planning, design, and in many other capacities.
Within the pages of this website is a wealth of information and links to additional resources. Here you will find more detailed information about planning and APA: our mission, vision, 5-year development plan, annual action program, sponsors and partners, upcoming events, conferences, training opportunities, volunteer opportunities, committees, career information, job opportunities, RFP/RFQs, our Chapter newsletter Planning Matters, links to share and exchange information with others, and much, much more.
This website is one means to further our mission. For information on planning or APA Colorado that goes beyond the bounds of this website, please contact us at Info@APAColorado.org.

The Colorado Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA Colorado) is the state affiliate of the American Planning Association. APA Colorado is an organization of professionally practicing planners, officials, and citizens providing vision and leadership for the future development of Colorado communities. The association serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas, as a network in support of planning professionals, and as a bridge to build cooperation among planners, allied professionals, and the public through education and awareness.
We are a member organization of professional planners and planning officials who serve Colorado’s communities in many ways, at all levels of government, the private sector, and non-profit organizations.
The 1500+ membership is divided into Areas and served by an Executive Board. Elections are held every year for approximately half the Board.
You can join APA Colorado through APA National or with a Chapter Only Membership.
These organizations help further the mission and vision of our Chapter. Support them as they support us.
We value the opportunity to collaborate with similar organizations and associations to expand opportunities and services to our members. Currently, we have formal partnership agreements with several organizations.