Central Mountain Area

Mark Truckey, AICP
Mark Truckey currently serves as the Community Development Director for the Town of Breckenridge. He has worked for over 30 years in the planning field, with a special emphasis on long range planning for communities and in environmental initiatives. Mark worked for ten years in several jurisdictions in Washington State, where he developed and implemented comprehensive plans and water quality plans for several communities. In 1997 he moved with his family to Colorado and worked for eight years as Long Range Planning Manager for Summit County, where he headed up a number of planning efforts such as the establishment of the County’s Backcountry Zone, the Transfer of Development Rights program for the Upper Blue Basin, and numerous basin master plans. Most recently, for the last 14 years Mark has served first as Assistant Director and then as Director of Community Development for the Town of Breckenridge, where he has had a broad range of duties. These have included oversight of the Planning, Open Space and Trails, Building, Housing, and Sustainability divisions. Mark headed up efforts to develop the Town’s SustainableBreck Plan in 2011. Mark has devoted a good portion of his time to implementing the SustainableBreck Plan, where he spearheaded several efforts, including the enactment of the Town’s disposable bag fee and reusable bag program, and the adoption of the Town’s goals to achieve 100 percent renewable energy.