2024 APA Colorado Chapter Board Officer Elections

There's a seat at the table, and we're looking for someone to fill it.

The APA Colorado Chapter Board election season is upon us and we are currently seeking candidates for the following positions. Please click on each open position to learn more about the position description and requirements.

Want to give back to your profession?

Do you have new ideas for outreach, events, or education?

It's time for you to run for office!

I'm ready! Add my name to the ballot.

Election Timeline:

  • May 2024: Begin the Call for Nominations
  • May 30, 2024: Firm deadline for submissions of names of nominated candidates.
  • June 13, 2024: Firm deadline for receiving electronic position statements of all potential nominated candidates.
  • July 31, 2024: Ballots are available online and emailed to all chapter members.
  • August 28, 2024: Firm deadline for receipt of ballots from membership.
  • September 2024: Election results are reported to chapter members via email and posted on the APA Colorado website.
  • January 1, 2025: Newly elected leaders take office.

APA Colorado Board

APA Colorado is served by an Executive Board consisting of Officers, Area Representatives, and specially appointed positions. The Board is responsible for creating and overseeing the implementation of the overall strategic mission of the organization through activities such as adopting an annual budget, setting chapter policies, and reviewing APA programs. The Board generally meets on the first Friday of every month and board meetings are open to all members to attend.

The officers of the Board are elected at-large by the membership to two-year terms in staggering years. The officers include: President, President Elect, Past President, Vice President of External Affairs, Vice President of Communications, and Secretary/Treasurer. There are also seven (7) Area Representatives elected by the members within six (6) geographic regions across the state. The Denver Metro Area is served by two representatives since it is where the largest concentration of planners are geographically located. The chair of the Legislative Committee and the Professional Development Committee also serve on the Board along with appointed, voting and non-voting members representing The Western Planner, Planning Faculty, University of Colorado-Denver’s APA Student group, and the Public Officials representative.

Learn more about our individual Board members.