To advertise your RFP / RFQ opportunity on the APA Colorado Chapter website please fill out the form below. Advertisements are free. Thank you!

Submit a RFP or RFQ

City of Dacono - Comprehensive Plan Update

The City of Dacono is seeking proposals from qualified consulting teams with expertise in comprehensive planning in Colorado to assist in updating its Comprehensive Plan. The selected firm should demonstrate a proven track record in effective community engagement, developing practical and adaptable plans, and creating a clear, marketable document that serves as a living framework for ongoing city planning. The plan should align with Dacono’s long-term growth strategy, ensuring that development is well-managed and consistent with community expectations.

To learn more about Dacono’s goals for this update, please follow the link below.

All proposals must be submitted via email in PDF format. Please send your completed proposal to by the deadline. The City will acknowledge receipt of all proposals.

Proposals must be submitted by Friday, April 4th, 2025, by 4:00 PM. Late submissions will not be considered.

Submission Deadline: April 4, 2025

Contact: John Michael Lawler
(303) 833-2317 x135

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City of Golden Transportation Demand Management Program

The City of Golden is developing a formal TDM program to be housed in the Planning Department which is part of the larger Community Development Division. Planning staff are at the nexus of transportation planning and capital project and programmatic implementation, coordinating across City departments and acting as the public face of a multimodal community.

Much of this work could be classified as TDM, but there are missing elements of a robust TDM program that maximizes City investment in multimodal capital facilities. Some missing elements that have been discussed with City Council and have the potential to be incorporated into a TDM program include: assisting and providing resources to stakeholders, such as City employees, new residential and commercial developments, large businesses, and property management companies to develop commuting and trip reduction programs; promoting and developing policies incentivizing local and regional transit, ridesharing and teleworking; and integrating TDM into city plans, policies and codes.

To learn more about Dacono’s goals for this update, please follow the link below. All questions and proposals must be submitted via OpenGovemail in PDF format.

Proposals must be submitted by Friday, April 4th, 2025, by 5:00 PM.

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RFP: Prop 123 Fast Track Process Review for Boulder County Jurisdictions

In 2018, Boulder County and the local governments within the County signed on to a County-wide goal of having 12% of all housing units be affordable. In 2023, Boulder County voters passed the Affordable and Attainable Housing Tax measure, anticipated to generate approximately $18 million annually to support affordable housing services and development. In 2023, the communities associated with this proposal opted in to State of Colorado Proposition 123, expressing their intent to further affordable housing development within their communities and to provide expedited development review for qualifying affordable housing developments.

Boulder County was awarded a Local Planning Capacity Grant from Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) in 2024 to be used in part for a multijurisdictional effort to expedite review and approval of affordable housing projects.

Boulder County is seeking a consultant to analyze the current land use and development codes and permitting processes of Boulder County, the cities of Boulder, Lafayette, Longmont, Louisville, and towns of Erie, Lyons, Nederland and Superior, and recommend changes necessary to create a uniform, streamlined process across jurisdictions to expedite affordable housing review and approval in light of State of Colorado Proposition 123 requirements for fast tracking affordable housing development.

If you have any questions about the Boulder County procurement process, please email

Submission Deadline: April 9, 2025

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Town of Ridgway and Ouray County Housing Needs Assessment 2025

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Ridgway, Colorado will receive proposals from qualified, professional consultants to conduct a Housing Needs Assessment (“HNA”) for the Town of Ridgway and Ouray County.

Three paper copies and one electronic copy of the proposal in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Housing Needs Assessment” and the name, address and phone number of the proposer must be received by Pam Kraft, Town Clerk at Ridgway Town Hall, 201 N. Railroad Street, or PO Box 10, Ridgway, CO 81432 by 4:00 pm on Friday, April 18, 2025. Any proposals received after said date/time will be returned unopened.

Owner reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any and all informalities and to negotiate contract terms with the successful proposer, or to accept the proposal for the contract, which in Owner’s judgement best serves the interest of the Town of Ridgway. Owner reserves the right to disregard all non-conforming, non-responsive, or conditional proposals.

Contact: Pam Kraft

(970) 626-5308

Deadline: April 18, 2025

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Berthoud Historic Preservation Plan

This request for proposal (RFP) is being issued by the Town of Berthoud, Colorado. The goal is to solicit proposals from qualified consultants with experience in the development of historic preservation plans and policy, land use planning, and community member involvement/participation to prepare a  Historic Preservation Plan with a resulting Action Plan for implementation.

The Historic Preservation Plan will serve as a guide for preservation decision-making over the next ten years. The plan will combine the town’s existing preservation efforts and the desires expressed by the community during the planning and public engagement process. Recommended  actions for integrating historic preservation into town policies and regulatory activities is an expected result inclusive of providing proposed edits to the Town Code in track-changes format. The scope of this plan includes the town’s entire planning area (i.e. Berthoud’s town limits and Growth Management Area/Future Land Use Map).

Deadline: April 30, 2025

Contact: Ethan Mattson

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