Consultant for Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

The Brighton Urban Renewal Authority in partnership with the City of Brighton seeks the proposal of qualified firms or individuals to provide consultation services for the creation of a Downtown Development Authority (DDA).

Deadline: July 9, 2024

Contact: Kelsey Archuleta

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Estes Park Development Code Update

The Town is undertaking a major update of the Development Code with the intent to make the document more user-friendly, remove or update antiquated requirements and standards, increase efficiency in the development review process, incorporate newer development concepts, improve aesthetics, implement the Downtown Plan and align with the Estes Forward Comprehensive Plan, among other aspects. The update will also include necessary changes to other sections of the Town’s Municipal Code that are referenced in, or directly related to, the Development Code as determined by Town staff. Since many substantive changes are anticipated, the Town seeks guidance whether: 1) to utilize aspects of the current Development Code language and processes as the foundation for the revisions; 2) produce an entirely new code with conventional standards; or 3) produce a code with a hybridized framework that incorporates a form-based code along with conventional standards. The anticipated timeline for the Project is approximately 18 months to two years following the signing of the contract. During this timeframe, the Consultant is responsible for undertaking all necessary steps and services required to complete the update process, which includes a comprehensive review and analysis of the current regulations, preparation of options and recommendations to address specified issues, stakeholder and public outreach, presentations to elected officials, and the subsequent finalization of the Development Code.

Deadline: July 15, 2024

Contact: Steve Careccia, Community Development Director

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Development Code Audit and Update

RFQ#F24-06-051. The City of Greeley is seeking assistance from a highly qualified consultant or consultant team to audit and update the City’s Development Code as described in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The project is concurrent with a separate RFQ seeking assistance with drafting an Affordable Housing Code and Fast-track process (RFQ#F24-06-050). Consultants are encouraged to consider bidding for both projects but will remain under consideration if they elect to bid on one project or the other. This audit and update should include an emphasis on the Community Development Department’s strategy to “Clarify. Streamline. Calibrate.” the provisions throughout the code. Any update should also include compliance with new and pending legislation, and consultant recommendations to adopt regulations aligning with upcoming legislative priorities is encouraged.

The City’s Strategic Goals and State land use legislation have highlighted the need for updates within this fairly new Code. Additionally, after 3 years of use staff have identified several areas of ambiguity, dimensional standards that need refinement, and vague or incomplete regulations, such as metro district standards. Staff has adopted several innovative regulatory approaches, such as a requirement for 3rd party mediation for contested project proposals, which may require codification of some components. Common elements are missing from the code such as renewable energy standards and procedures, build-to-rent standards,1041 regulations, and infill standards. And finally, Greeley Community Development has a 2027 goal of “90 by 90”—that 90% of development review projects reach a decision 90 days from application, and an evaluation of codified obstacles to that goal are encouraged. More information and the complete RFQ is located at the City of Greeley purchasing website below.

Deadline: July 18, 2024

Contact: Don Threewitt, Community Development Deputy Director

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Affordable Housing Code and Fast-track Process

The City is seeking a Planner Consultant (“Consultant”) to perform a comprehensive review of Proposition 123 implementation and work with staff to develop an affordable housing development code. The deliverable will provide clear direction of affordable housing definitions and qualifications, a series of dimensional and site design requirements to maintain eligibility for expedited approvals, and a codified procedure for expedited reviews. The project is concurrent with a separate RFQ seeking assistance with drafting a Development Code and Update (RFQ #F24-06-051). Consultants are encouraged to consider bidding for both projects but will remain under consideration if they elect to bid on one project or the other. The completion date of providing the required product and services shall be June 30, 2025. The full RFQ can be found at the website below.

Deadline: July 18, 2024

Contact: Don Threewitt, Community Development Deputy Director

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Request for Qualifications No. 6188 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Services

The City of Lakewood (the “City”) is seeking qualified persons or entities (“Respondents”) to submit a Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) for assistance in analyzing and updating the City’s Zoning Ordinance. The selected Contractor will collaborate with City staff to facilitate amendments to the existing zoning ordinance. The City desires to produce innovative, user-friendly zoning and development regulations that will:

  • Implement the 2040 Comprehensive Plan;
  • Address contemporary development and zoning needs;
  • Be easily understood by staff, the public and the development community

Areas of key concern to be incorporated into the zoning ordinance include and are not limited to the following:

  • Implementing changes identified as part of the concurrent Comprehensive Plan update process;
  • Reduce the number and/or simplify residential zone districts and remove restrictions to increases in residential density;
  • Increase housing opportunities in existing and future neighborhoods;
  • Increase access to attainable housing;
  • Improving equity among Lakewood residents;
  • Removal, simplification, or reduction of parking minimums;
  • Removal, simplification or reduction in the number of dimensional, bulk, and height, standards related to development on individual lots;
  • Changes in the number of discretionary approvals requiring a public hearing;
  • Providing graphics and illustrations to supplement, replace, and/or clarify written regulations;
  • Updates to sustainability requirements in coordination with sustainability staff.

The Planning Commission will function as the citizen advisory committee for drafting the zoning ordinance amendments. The amended zoning ordinance will address topics related to procedures and appeals, zone districts and uses, dimensional, development, and design standards, parking, signs, the enhanced development menu and definitions.

Deadline: July 26, 2024 - 10:00 am MST

Please see the full request here.

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RFP Town of Telluride Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Telluride is seeking professional consultants to develop and implement a new Comprehensive Plan. The budget for complete work is $335,000. The current Telluride Master Plan was originally adopted in 2006 and updated in 2012. The Comprehensive Plan will serve to direct the Town’s future guided in part by the recently adopted 2023 Telluride Community Vision and Action Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is the next step to direct policy, programs and projects that align with the principles of livability and the core values described in the Vision Plan. Efforts to accomplish the Comprehensive Plan shall recognize the challenges and opportunities that were identified as well as any new discoveries that may result from a more comprehensive analysis of the Town’s existing conditions and constraints. Although the Vision Plan is not the only resource available, it is the starting point for a more comprehensive effort to define the Town’s future and how best to implement or manage that future.

The Comprehensive Plan shall outline a future consistent with the Vision Statement:

“A Livable Telluride will remain a sustainable, authentic, and connected community. A Livable Telluride will remain a sustainable, authentic, and connected community. We are a small mountain town that embraces and sustains its distinctive natural setting, advances its reputation for innovation and cultural heritage, and remains true to its roots as a livable and genuine community for future generations of residents, workers, and visitors.”

Finally, the Comprehensive Plan shall clarify the accomplishments and progress from past planning efforts including the Telluride Master Plan and identify new opportunities building upon that progress. The Principles of Livability (Housing, Economy, Community, Environment, and Infrastructure) in the Vision Plan shall be more carefully and thoroughly examined in the interest of developing an inclusive and achievable long-range Comprehensive Plan for the Town.

Deadline: July 29, 2024

Contact: John Strandberg
(970) 728-2170

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