RFP/RFQ Announcements
Oak Creek Comprehensive Plan RFP
The Town of Oak Creek (Oak Creek) is requesting proposals to update its Comprehensive Plan and expand or add additional components such as an Economic Development Plan and Capital Improvement Plan and update the Three Mile Annexation Plan, to be known as the Oak Creek Comprehensive Plan. Oak Creek is seeking a creative and experienced team with a public engagement approach where Town staff and the consulting team can collaboratively work with the community.
The full text of the Request for Proposals can be found on Oak Creekâs website www.townofoakcreek.com or at the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pvjksmcork34hkkfho7xv/RFP-Master-Plan-CIP-Long-Form-9-25-2024.pdf?rlkey=utcv21fdb67d6kb9lidyxcog1&st=usv2j4md&dl=0
Proposals will be accepted until Friday, November 18, 2024 at 12 noon MDT. Review of responses and the determination of finalists will be completed by November 25, 2024 and the Town anticipates that final interviews and firm selection will be completed by December 12, 2024. Questions or requests for additional information can be directed to Mary Alice Page-Allen, AICP MPA CMC, Interim Town Administrator/Clerk, at clerk@townofoakcreek.com or by calling (970) 846-4582 (cell, preferred) or (970) 736-2422.
The Town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive minor irregularities or informalities in any proposal, and to accept any proposal deemed in the best interest of Oak Creek.
Deadline: November 18, 2024
Contact: Mary Alice Page-Allen
(970) 846-4582
Denver Parks and Recreation - Recreation Center Analysis and Strategic Plan
Denver Parks and Recreation is seeking proposals to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for the city's recreation centers and pools, addressing current needs while envisioning future facility and program offerings. The plan will also provide guidance for long-term capital investment strategies.