Planner/Senior Planner
City of Westminster
Westminster, CO United States
Position to be filled at Planner or Senior Planner level DOQ
The Planner position is a professional and technical planning position that is responsible for advanced level work involving primarily current planning activities and some long-range planning. Job duties include coordinating the City's review and analysis of annexation and rezoning requests and development proposals, developing land use regulations, assisting with preparing comprehensive plans and sub-area plans, developing and maintaining a statistical database, coordinating information between various elements of the City Staff, developing plans, policies and programs for review and making presentations to the Planning Commission and City Council. Work is performed with a reasonable degree of latitude for independent, mature judgment, and action is reviewed by the Principal Planner or the Planning Manager through observation, conference, reports, and achievement of desired objectives.
The Senior Planner position is a high level professional and technical planning position that is responsible for advanced level work involving primarily current planning activities and some long-range planning. A high emphasis is placed on design and urban design issues with current planning, including a strong knowledge of architecture, landscape architecture and sound site planning. The position is responsible for coordinating the City's review and analysis of annexation and rezoning requests and development proposals, developing land use regulations, and assisting with preparing comprehensive plans and sub-area plans. The position is also responsible for developing and maintaining a statistical data base, coordinating information between various members of the City Staff, developing plans, policies and programs for review and making presentations to the Planning Commission. Work is performed with a reasonable degree of latitude for independent, mature judgment, and action is reviewed by a Principal Planner and/or the Planning Manager through observation, conference, reports, and achievement of desired objectives.